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Previous SARS Outbreaks Beg Questions

Note: This post was written during the pandemic. My views may have changed.

Th2, Bats, and Helminths. Oh My!

Note: This post was written during the pandemic. My views may have changed. What does a SARS-COV-2 cytokine storm have to do with...

The Coming Healthcare Civil War

Healthcare is the next natural topic in civil movements. The way women, African Americans, and the economically disadvantaged (a.k.a....

A New Species of Human is Evolving Now

Elon Musk just proved my point on SNL last night when he said people like him, people with Asperger's, see the world differently....

The Five Dimensions of Deception

I have created a list of methods used to deceive people. These can apply to many situations (ahem current pandemic situations and...

The Time for Pharmacogenomics is NOW

There can be no better time or need for pharmacogenomics and vaccine adversomics, to implement a strategy for defining the differences...

Philosophies of Favor

I write in plain language. So, I'm going to make some generalizations here. After WWII and the atrocities of human experimentation, the...

Respect for Persons

From the Belmont Report : " 1. Respect for Persons. -- Respect for persons incorporates at least two ethical convictions: first, that...

Human-Monkey Chimera Ethics

Have scientists gone too far? The research is exciting, but I find no mention of the source for the human extended pluripotent stem cells...

The Research Involved in Writing a Book

This is a small fragment of the sources I used in researching my book. It is by no means comprehensive. I'm not going to go crazy here...

Evolution is a Gamer

A note on evolution. Without getting too off topic, I touched on evolution in the book. One issue I wanted to address, but it didn't...

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